Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Up down, move it all around, that's what it's all about

The S and P 500 was down 1.3% yesterday and up 1.1% today.  These are not trivial moves.  They reflect investor uncertainty about the possibility of an overdue correction or, on the other hand,
 an M and A and new product driven surge upward.  Obama's administration and his Justice Department can't seem to find a way to harass companies enough to get them to slow down and the Republicans ongoing rigid approach to blocking fiscal policy actions such as infrastructure spending can't get the job done either.  At the moment business seems to be humming along, Washington politics and bureaucrats be damned.

Consumers broadly are still in a rut but it is not deepening.  Much economic activity is undercover, and speaks to an economy that will do better than expected at times.  The Republican efforts to eliminate benefits on all fronts is not yet having a broad impact in totality, only on morality.

We watch here with interest, stick with long held positions in companies with strong growth prospects or strong balance sheets, or better yet both.  Like all active investors we are on the hunt for those stocks that will show significant short term growth, somewhat risky investing but in recent times more than somewhat beneficial.

No major predictions here.  This new year does feel uncertain for the wary but at the same time is a market full of opportunists, which can be rough game and that's especially a reason for caution for retail investors.


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