Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Having a nuanced perspective on Obama is a dilemma

President Obama has ambitious goals to address challenges that our country has tried to ignore. He is hard working, intelligent, and well spoken. I want him to succeed and support much of what he does. There are issues, however, on which there is not agreement here so when in the mood it's written. I don't think that's much different from how many folks view things whether they have a small blog or not.

The problem is that The Negative Machine has become so uniformly against anything that the President says or does on any issue. Earlier today there was a minor comment by the President on some issue(wish I could find it now) and there was absolute outrage on the part of The Negative Machine. This coalition of "right wing" outrage, exploitive media, misguided populism, and unvarnished bitterness does not seem to think. They just react negatively and at times viciously to the President on every front.

So the dilemma is---what's a balanced thinking person supposed to do. It feels terrible to express an opinion that is on the surface aligned with The Negative Machine. Not to do so when there's a difference of opinion would be not participating in a national political dialogue that is needed. Not to do so would just further divide the country into extremes. Many of us will continue to have points of view that agree with the President at times, and at other times not. Sometimes expressing the "not" risks feeding the extreme and it sure is irritating.


Anonymous Kelly Furgurson said...

The manner in which a criticism is expressed is the way to distinguish yourself from the bloviates powering The Negative Machine. Rarely is criticism coming from The Negative Machine founded on fact or expressed in ordered thought. Opinions, even criticisms, which demonstrate that they stem from a cognitive process rather than a reflexive one, will be recognized as such by those who are open to competing ideas.

2:43 PM  
Blogger John Borden said...


Thank you for your comment. Wise words you write, that I do not always follow here in my spontaneous posts. I hope that you are right about the value of thoughtful comments but I have this nagging fear that history tells us about minority obsessed groups that come to power through their intensity, and do terrible things.

Anyway, assuming that you are the power serving doubles partner from long past, I appreciate that you took the time to look at my unfocused, genuine, and opinionated Eyes Not Sold.


6:40 PM  

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