This is a sensitive issue. The Catholic Church has provided untold nurture to many of its believers, still does. There are many who live by its virtues.
It also has a centuries old "virtue" of extorting its members, hiding its assets, providing no transparency, and being an unregulated corrupt fiefdom that benefits its leaders in both monetary, lifestyle, and sexual "manners". Most recently they have censured some of their own top financiers that manage the Vatican's purported immense wealth and treasure, but why is this not in the real court system, but only in the one of the Vatican.
Headlines today in NYT - "Dolan Says Obama Policies Threaten 'Sacred Liberties" on A15 and "Cardinal's Aide Found Guilty in Abuse Case" on A1. As the tide of abuse cases continues to role in(in the mentioned case based on the Philadelphia diocese a list was made in the early 1990's of more than 30 "priests" or predators found with credible evidence of molestation, nothing was done) the church remains sanctimonious. This conviction is a groundbreaking assertion of public legal authority that could send thousands of priests to jail if various jurisdictions choose to follow up on it.
What are these "Sacred Liberties" that these old fogey cardinals and priests protect. History suggests that first and foremost is their protection of assets and autonomy, meaning any right of a government to require them to do anything, be subject to any rules of law, and in this case pay for healthcare in even the most extreme circumstances if it involves the issue of abortion. It also covers gay rights, same sex marriage, adoption policies, the right of the Catholics freely to use public schools and other facilities for their church activities... the list goes on.
How can these hypocrites start a campaign, led by Dolan and called "Fortnight for Freedom", when their own house is not in order. The Vatican finances have been proved to be corrupt and the institution's history of child molesting worldwide is ubiquitous and still a huge open issue as to whether it has been addressed. One could think that Dolan and all of the other old folks who always make up their leadership should tend to their "flock" religious needs, to their bright red faces, and avoid their ego boosting self serving political activities. Some polls say that a majority of the young membership of their church have no interest in or even belief in their opinions.
"Father" Dolan is ducking the real issues of his church like any good politician and going on the attack. Such has always been the case in political terms, for centuries, for this institution of highly dedicated faithful many of whom may benefit from it practices and still tolerate its chronically corrupt leadership.
There is a reason why Popes are only appointed when they are close to beyond competence and certainly beyond any real management capability. They are symbols. And may it be said that they are not related to God any more than you or me.