Monday, October 28, 2019

Watching televised baseball today...

Other than the tendency of a baseball game to have its slow points, something has changed.  In league championship games and the World Series those times can be minimized by the excitement of having a favored team, usually.  Why are the announcers driving me to distraction, aka nuts?  Here's the thing.

Technology has enabled the monitors that feed them their lines to get into the minutia of baseball history in a way that is close to absurd.  "Yes, that was the first time since the 1959 World Series that a left handed hitter hit a bunt single off a left handed pitcher in the top of the ninth inning in a game four."

"You're right Joe, it was Eddie Slaughter, the nephew of the fabled Enos "Country" Slaughter.  What a character Enos was, so many stories, maybe later. You know Eddie hit that bunt single despite having an intensely burning case of jock itch, so bad that he had hoped to make an out.  They even had a dermatologist in the tunnel treating him between innings."

"Got you. On top of that did you know that the dermatologist got his MD at Washington University in St. Louis and he practices in Houston.  Reminds me of the Series today, you know, Washington beat St. Louis to get to the final to play Houston."

"What a coincidence. What goes around comes around. Didn't they have Tinactin then?"

"Back to the game, it looks like he will throw a slider just off the plate.  It's a home run.  Do you believe that?  Almost a line drive, straight to center, 440 feet.  That's the first time since the 1969 Series that a ball hit that low went that far."

"Slider, do they have a White Castle concession here?  Maybe someone could grab an eight pack between innings.  This could be long one."

"Tom, you've got some jokes going tonight.  Sounds good though.  What a great game."

Postscript:  Watched the first three innings of the World Series last night, checked back in the fifth for a minute, and then luckily put my book down and turned it back on at the beginning of the 7th inning.  Finally an exciting game, especially as my favorite from the beginning had been Washington, absent the Mets who at least gave it a good try this year.  The announcers and their script providers were totally unprepared and just kept repeating the same thing over the most of that time about the Astros pitching rotation miscalculation, same over and over...


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