Friday, January 06, 2006

Follow up--New Orleans and old Sherlock Holmes

Follow up from books mentioned in a 12/31 post:

"My New Orleans, Ballads to the Big Easy by Her Sons, Daughters, and Lovers" --- this short book of essays was worthwhile, but for the most part it would only work for people who have some experience with New Orleans. The cause is good(benefit for New Orleans writers) but most who wrote these short pieces were probably too shell- shocked to do much. The opening essay by the editor, Rosemary James, catches the allure of New Orleans, and the pieces by restauranteurs Ella Brennan and Leah Chase are worth the overall short read and get at the bigger issues, but many of the notes are obligatory sighs, or cries.

"A Story of Detection", by Michael Chabon--- This novella is a story of redemption at many stages, from a supposed Sherlock Holmes near life's end, to a mid-life marriage almost lost, to a vicar without faith at all, a young boy victimized by war, and a parrot seeking a purpose to life. The writing is distinct, and challenging in an understated and good way.


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