Saturday, April 14, 2012

Excerpts from Steve Earle's book - prior comment

---"Hank don't need a sheepskin from some fancy college to know what he needs and when he needs it! Just give him steak and taters when he's hungry, whiskey when he's dry, 'a woman'(word changed) when he's lonely, and maybe a little old-time religion when he dies."

---"She more than likely came from good enough people. Poor, honest, hard-working folks that never got ahead but did all right as long as they kept their heads down and didn't study too much on what they didn't have."

---"Doc knew the physical withdrawal symptoms were nothing compared with the deeper demons, the mind-numbing fear and heart crushing despair that awaited him..."

---"You okay Doc?"
"Well, okay would be an overstatement, but I reckon I'll live."

---"Lonely's a temporary condition...Lonesome's a whole other thing. Incurable..."

---"They came and they lit their candles and then they sank to their knees and silently waited. Not for a sign or a miracle, for these were not Sunday Christians offering up foxhole prayers. Most had prayed every day of their lives, and they knew no such vulgar display was forthcoming. They expected no such remedy. No answers. They prayed only for affirmation, the peace that comes from unconditional and unwavering faith."


Anonymous Pearl said...

i'm ok.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Pearl said...

are you ok?

9:23 AM  

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