Thursday, September 20, 2012

"If I were a Latino"...another Romney comment

Even more than the 47% issue that is getting the attention it deserves, another comment that was taped is telling in a major way.  He commented on the fact that his father was born in Mexico, that it might have been better for him if he had been born in Mexico, and he "might be President if he had Mexican parents".

That led to a big guffaw, laughter, from his crowd of donors and a big smile from Mitt. 

On many levels that was a outright racist comment --- relating to our current President, immigration policy, and citizenship and voting rights.

Right now I am researching Mormonism and whether it is a cult or a religion, with the texts of a former acquaintance who has been well published in the area of cults.  How can this man say things like he says without being in some protective bubble of a cult --- "I like firing people", "I don't care about them",  etc.  Mormonism suggests, apparently, that if you are a devout follower, whatever you think is right is the right thing to do.  Nuke Iran, North Korea, incite an India/Pakistan war...  more to come... with obviously no conclusions except for raising concerns.

Cults can be virtuous and they can be insular.  Certainly the Mormon religion/cult has many laudable values, FOR THEM.  Does it apply to the rest of us.  Like I say, this is worth some focus.  This so subjective but worth a thought.  Who really likes Mitt Romney and doesn't see through his constant changes of opinion.  Does anyone really like this man?  Raise you hand, non-Mormons.

 He has obviously chosen a VP who will be no backstop to anything he wants to do should the robotic Romney become President.


Anonymous kf said...

Oh come on John, his vacuous nature has nothing to do with his religion. He was the son of the CEO of a major auto company in its time. He had access to the finest education, without any expense to himself. He hit the private equity business right at the right time in the long term business cycle. He knows nothing about regular folks.

He's smart but it's an intelligence not grounded in anything that most Americans experience. Say he's narrow, very narrow smart.

Yeah, he scares me on the international front as well.

Keep writing. KF

1:42 PM  

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