Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The results are in...

Obama wins.  We are pleased that he won.  It is no time to celebrate.  He barely beat one of the worst candidates anyone could imagine.  No one should pat Obama on the back now.  They should tell HIM to "CHANGE", and he should not tell us to do so.

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi should be changed as Senate Majority Leader and House Minority Leader.  They will never lead any bi-partisan efforts because they, especially Pelosi, have been such mean partisans. 

Obama needs to change his approach to delegation, and not allow his major legislation to be written by party hacks.  Obama needs to stop telling his Attorney General to sue every financial corporation possible for political gain and financial gain, sue them for misdeeds from years well before they had any control of companies they acquired, or were forced to acquire.  He should tell them to not sue companies for success if they are better than their competitors(anti-trust).  Obama needs to oversee the implementation of his myriad regulations passed in his two agonizingly complex major bills, health care and financial regulation, to make sure that it is clear to business what it means to them and to make sure that overly zealous bureaucrats don't allow their resentments to lead to hostile implementation.  Businesses cannot deal with that.  Obama needs to stop being above it all, roll his sleeves up not just when he is out promoting himself but when he is actually supervising all of the stuff that he passed in his first two years.

President Obama is gifted with a rare intelligence it seems, but it also seems that he uses that as a shield from listening to what is happening in this country.  He was stymied in his efforts to do many things that he wanted by hostile Republicans like the near ignorant Mitch McConnell in the Senate and the Tea Party thugs that took over the Republican party and House of Representatives rather than start their own party as some thought they would a few years ago.  Obama is smart enough to figure this OUT, rather than just sit it OUT as he did the last two years, while plotting his way to another four years, quite successfully as we see now.

As written about yesterday, we hope that this freedom from running from office again allows President Obama, a first class clever politican, to focus instead on bringing the country together and not on rhetoric that magnifies the divides that we unfortunately already have.

His government should do what it can to help those who need help, but realize that our federal and state governments are the least creative and least hard working organizations in our country.  He needs to work to understand that private enterprise can be incredibly creative and hard working, and is the real source of growth and new jobs.  New jobs and growth are the only way out of this economic dilemma.  For the moment Obama needs to just get over the obscenely high salaries of corporate CEO's, get control of his obsession with fairness, and let shareholders eventually rein in the abuses.  His job is first to get the economy growing.

I can't help but think that he already knows everything that is written here.  Will he deal with it, or will he continue playing the Presidential role, above it all.      


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