Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas day afternoon, shouldn't it be restful.

This should be a time to rest if you are in a house with no small children. There are no stores open, our gym is closed, everything is closed really, and families are all recovering together from the Christmas Eve and this morning.

For some reason my wife has decided to bring new meaning to the phrase that "you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs". She is on a clean the house binge. Everything is a complete mess now but within a few days, this will not be a one day event, it will lead to a big improvement. To partipate I did all of my desk filing, not an immediately completed chore as decisions must be made on what to keep and what files to use.

We are always behind on this activity as all of us tend to be the messy types(I would claim to not be the worst offender) with multiple desks and work tables, even the main dining room table, piled with partially sorted paperwork and the detritus of markers, pens, and saved schoolwork and correspondance that must ultimately be sorted for what's really important enough to be saved. There are also bookshelves packed beyond capacity(that is me), and tax and financial projects that need space(that's me).

I'm dropping out of this blog comment for the day as I was just interrupted to spend 40 minutes vacuuming as that is one of my long held official duties. Now to rest, watching some basketball or finishing reading almost all major parts of the December "Vanity Fair", which is packed full of really good articles if you can find them between the adverts, the widely distributed tables of contents, and then see the tiny page numbers.

Merry Christmas.

Postscript - I should note that my wife for the past year has worked full time. While these clean up moods rarely strike, the timing of this one is a result of her work schedule.


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