Saturday, April 14, 2012

"I'm your puppet"

One could guess that James and Bobby Purify would never have imagined their famous song being applied to global political events in 2012, but it just came to mind. The media by default refers to Bashar al-Assad and Kim Jong-Un as leaders of their countries. Their titular claim to power is real but their actual power is seriously questionable.

The big news for Bashar last week was that the French government cut off his Euro-bred spoiled wife's credit lines and access to products at her favorite stores. No more Prada sunglasses, Chanel bags, and Hermes scarves coming into Damascus anytime soon. It's bad enough for Bashar to be bossed around by all those generals and getting the blame for everything they do, but now his home life must be hell.

The pampered young inexperienced descended diety Kim Jong-Un now already has egg on his face, with the rocket fiasco of a few days ago. It is almost ludicrous to think that he is in charge of the country but now he is an international joke before getting a chance to do anything. Those darn generals. The legacy of his grandfather Kim Jong-Sung was so strong that it gave his alcoholic, drug addicted, philandering father, Kim Jong-Il, cover and actually it seems gave him power. The generals were seriously loyal to the grandfather in every way, and to his son.

It is questionable whether that loyalty still lives on. It is a myth that the regime wants the starving people to swallow, taking the place of food. The diety legacy and the loyalty factor could hardly be of much consequence now in the minds of the military leaders and top government functionaries that are now in the middle of a changing of the guard from people in their late 70's and 80's and being handed to a new group in their 60's. They are running the country. Overweight chubby cheeks is just a poster boy, literally, for this dangerous country.

Who is in charge of these countries is a serious question. With North Korea is seems that even the CIA has no idea and with Syria there are probably those who know but the media is certainly not part of that information flow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You underestimate how countries can be so strange. These guys, stupid and light in the loafers they are, have power.

2:22 PM  

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